Hi, I’m Rich

I help people grow high-trust communities & decentralised organisations.

Richard D. Bartlett portrait

I'm co-founder of tech co-op Loomio, community building network Microsolidarity, non-hierarchical management consultancy The Hum, and director of the social impact collective Enspiral.

Coaching & Advice

If you want my advice or guidance, you can book me by the hour. I'm particularly suited to helping on topics like:

  • organising an exceptional event (conference, retreat, wedding)
  • building a team that's fun & effective
  • decentralising authority in an organisation
  • career advice: navigating towards more meaningful work
  • creating satsifying community for youself and others

Choose a price that fits your circumstances:

book me $190/hr book me $135/hr book me $80/hr

Online Course

My awesome wife Nati & I made an online course sharing what we learned from the last decade working with decentralised organisations in 20+ countries:

Patterns For Self Organising Teams


I write about the subtle social dynamics you've experienced in groups but have probably never quite put into words before. You can find my writing on Substack, Medium, and Twitter. I'm a contributing author to the Enspiral book Better Work Together, and have a half-finished book about decentralised organisations available for purchase.


Check out my newsletter if you want to occasionally get an update from me.

Or if you prefer to plug in to my stream of consciousness, join me on Twitter.

If you want to contact me with requests for work, reach out through my consulting company The Hum.